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Hair Restoration Evaluation

Hair Loss Treatment Evaluation

Once you contact Hair Loss Heroes we will start the process by a short evaluation on your hair loss.

We first start with an evaluation of your hair loss. More than 90% of women are good candidate for PRP (Platelet Rich Plasma) but there is a small percent of women that have a genetic issue that could hinder the success of our hair restoration treatment.  We conduct a free evaluation to ensure you are one of majority that is a good fit for our treatment. At Hair Loss Heroes we only want to focus on a successful track record of happy patients. By conducting this evaluation we will have a better idea on how well treatment will work for you. Offering our patients with a more concentrated version of PRP called PBC (Protein Biologic Concentrate) and this qualifying evaluation are what separates us from the competition and it is another example of how we have your best interest in mind.

This evaluation is also a great opportunity for you to talk to our medical technician as he is the right person to answer all your questions.

Hair Loss Heroes understands that hair loss for women is an emotional endeavor, our goal is not just to restore your hair growth but also help you gain the confidence and well-being for a better you.

Call (239) 495-6300 to schedule your no cost evaluation

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